Can I model at your life drawing class? I asked Rose. She immediately said yes! I have now finished my first session as a nude model. I was the first overseas artist to pose in Roses class.
Nude models are popular in Cornwall, England. So it's not easy to make a reservation. Models have been even more active since the corona regulation have stopped.
Life drawing is popular in art schools, private schools, and art colleges.
I met Rose, who is the organizer of the Life Drawing, when she came to my solo exhibition at PZ Gallery last year. Rose loved my paintings and my LED ART. So much so that she bought all of my LEDART series.
Rose came to the exhibition several times to see my work and to ask me questions about painting. That was my first encounter with her.
Rose also draws. I like her drawings. Each other likes each other's paintings.
I love her powerful heart.
Today, was Rose's birthday. We sat on a stone in the square in St. Just after the life drawing. I was eating and drinking dark chocolate and black coffee. Rose had an ice cream with martini and latte. The two of us were talking about future life drawing plans.
Happy Birthday!
Rose 🌷