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Ancient meditation@PugliaTaranto28.29/7/2023

I haven't done an art performance in a while, which is why I really wanted to do one in Taranto under the hot summer sun. I shared my feelings and a photo of Taranto's old town on Instagram, and from there, preparations for the art performance started. Paulo, an art collector from Taranto, responded with a comment, and we discussed the idea. With the help of my friends, Paulo and Fabrizio, we obtained permits from the government for the street art performance. The day of the performance was a success, and I expressed my gratitude to nature and the people. My theme was ancient meditation, and before the performance, we did some stretching, including yoga, to prepare ourselves. During the performance, I moved to the beats of music, using three basic colors, particularly shocking pink, to evoke the memory of the hot summer. The theme of ancient meditation was inspired by Taranto's rich history, dating back to the 8th century BC, with traces of the Middle Ages still visible. Taranto Bay's beautiful sea and natural surroundings added to the experience. Standing in front of the Aragonese Castle, barefoot on the ground, I immersed myself in the moment, expressing excitement and nerves through colors on paper. The performance lasted around 7 to 12 minutes, and I hoped that people witnessing it would feel something, as art has the power to evoke emotions. I am thankful to my colleagues and the people who provided me with this wonderful opportunity. Thank you.



©️Rosa Colacoci

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Aug 01, 2023

It was two fantastic performances

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