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All the best wishes in 2023!

Read a book on bushido and go back to basics.


①武士道Bushido is the code of conduct followed by the samurai and is

uniquely Japanese culture. Hundreds of years ago, there was a class of

samurai in Japan. However, the definition of bushido differs according to

the period in which the samurai lived and the way they thought, and

cannot be summed up in a single term.

②誠(Makoto) The word 'sincerity' means 'truth' or 'honesty'. The word

'sincerity' can be used to describe a person's unwavering commitment to

a self-determined goal.

③勇(Isamu) Courage means standing up to your opponent.

④仁(Jin) The word "Jin" refers to consideration for others.

⑤義(GI) Righteousness is doing what is right according to one's


⑥(礼Rei) The word "rei" indicates a consideration for others. It is

important to be considerate when dealing with others.

⑦名誉(Meiyo) Honour" means living a life without shame. Bushido also

pursues the behaviour of a samurai. It was important to train every day

and to act in a way that would not bring shame on oneself.

⑧忠義(Chugi) The word "loyalty" means "to swear allegiance to one's

lord. I am always attracted to the spirit of Bushido. I can't spend all my

time in the spirit of Bushido every day, but I will not forget the powerful,

gentle and beautiful actions.

The reason why I paint 47 samurai is because I have a connection with

the temple where the graves of 47 samurai are located. It is a tribute to


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Jan 01, 2023

I will buy this book.

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