Lars Peder marcussen
Born 1952 in Svendborg, Denmark.
I have worked with art almost all my life. As an artist and as a gallerist. Drawings, watercolours and pastels is my area.
I draw motives with buildings in my neighbourhood and - most of all - motives from Hans Christian Andersens fairytales.
The first place to sell my pictures was in the market in Odense, where I live. It is close to the Hans Christian Ander- sen birthplace so it was rather natural to begin drawing fairytalemotives, but actually the old houses came first.
Exhibitions nationwide in Denmark and sale worldwide.
In 1996 I opend a gallery in one of the small streets leading up to the marketplace with some friends.
Today I ́m the sole proprietor of the gallery, which is also a shop featuring tea and coffee aswell as assorted liquors. I have about 100 artists and artisanss represented.
Every month there is a separate exhibition wit one or two artists.
I first met Daijo when she happened to pass and chose to visit the shop and gallery.
We liked each other an became friends on Facebook.
Some time passed and then Daijo asked if I would have an exhibition with her which I very happily accepted . The exhibition was brought to Odense by Daijo herself and her friend Kosaka who spent a week here.
It was an expierience that made our friendship even stronger and we have worked together since then .
Also getting to know Kosaka has been an honour and has given many good expieriences resulting in a planned exhi- bition of some of my work in his gallery in Japan. Of which I am very honoured.